Today is My birthday…

Today I am 45…

Do I look like I’m 45?  Some days, I look older, but I think I can safely say, most think I’m in my late 30’s and I’m ok with that! (Yay!) Not long ago, I got a guess of 37, and that made me feel REALLY good!

Do I feel like I’m 45?  No way.  Age is just a number, and being a youngest born, I don’t feel a day over 30.  I keep myself in good shape by exercising regularly and eating well.  I don’t smoke weed or cigarettes, but yes, I drink wine.  (this IS after all, a wine blog!!) Not in excess though, and I will always hold to the fact that wine does have medicinal properties. I am a healthy individual, and I plan to keep doing all I can to stay healthy.

Do I act like I’m 45?  Now that’s a bigger question…Sometimes acting and feeling can go hand in hand. I am an adult after all, and I have teenage children, so I do have to act my age. But because I don’t feel like I’m 45, I often don’t act like it.  I make friends and acquaintances easily, no matter what their ages.  I am more than thrilled when both men and women in their late twenties and early thirties feel comfortable enough to engage in conversation with me.

But I’ve been struggling lately with the lack of human connection.  We live in a digital world where we can reach each other pretty much by any means known to man, without saying a word with our mouths.  Texting, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many other applications out there give us the ability to move our fingers and/or a mouse, to get a message across to whomever.  I want the human interaction, and what better way to have it than with a birthday celebration. Right?  The problem is, I struggled with whether or not I actually wanted that! Maybe I just want to be alone!  Maybe I’m not really ok with turning 45!   Talk about a true Gemini!  I want it, I don’t want it….I want it, I don’t want it.  Ugh…I kinda waited a little later than I wanted, but I got it done, and sent off the invitation for the birthday soiree…

So back to my birthday…Not that this year is a momentous year by any means, but I think it may be time to crack the cork on something a little more special, don’t you think?  A buddy of mine will be turning 55 later on this year, and I’ve been putting the gears to him to make sure that when he DOES open something spectacular, he SHARES it with his friends.  I have no doubts that he absolutely will.  The same goes for me…there are some bottles I cannot WAIT to share.  I’d never drink them alone, the point of buying them was to save them for a momentous occasion.  So…whatcha think of my selection?

Birthday bottles

Two whites and two reds…

1) The Marsannay, a white Burgundy that came highly recommended by the manager at the wine store I’m working at.  I have a fondness for oaked Chardonnays, so I’m super curious to try this…not the stellar vintages of ’09 and ’10, but we’ll see what the ’11 has to offer!

2) I had a chance to try the Titolo Aglianico at an Italian wine show almost exactly a year ago.  The winemaker Elena Fucci,  is a tiny little thing, happy to speak in her broken English, the accolades of her “Nebbiolo of the South”.  I was able to do a mini-vertical of the 2008 and 2009 at the show, preferred the 2008, and was completely stoked to find it on the shelf at the BC Liquor Store I stopped at later on that day.  At $60 a bottle, I’m hoping it is well worth the price I paid for it.

3) I picked up the St. Joseph a few months ago at the store, simply because I wanted more Rhone wine in my meager wine collection.  I’m hoping this Syrah will both surprise and delight, as some of the other St. Joseph wines I’ve had lately have been excellent.

4) And lastly, (but certainly not least) the Chateau Montelena, another oaked Chardonnay.  I’ve had this one before, and not only for me does it have a great personal story behind it, but the 2010 was a good quaff, and I found this bottle for a steal of a deal at a discount liquor store.  Bring out the creamy cheeses for this one folks!

For those of you that will be joining me on Saturday (you know who you are), I am absolutely delighted that you are choosing to spend that time with me, and I’m also hoping you appreciate my choices…and who knows, my friends may choose to bring special bottles as well.  All the better to add to the evening, don’t you think?  Let the human connections begin!  Cheers!

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21 Responses to Today is My birthday…

  1. Stefano says:

    Happy Birthday and great choice of wines! Fucci is a great producer of Aglianico del Vulture (along with Basilisco and Cantine del Notaio): if you can resist, let it rest a little longer, say a couple more years for best results and a smoother mouth feel. The Montelena is a great choice too. Looking forward to being invited next year! 😉
    A virtual toast to you! 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday! When in doubt . . . open them all! It’s your birthday, after all. Salud!!

  3. Happy Birthday and if it is any consolation, I have some wines in the cellar that would guarantee that you are still a spring chicken. I think that I would open the Chateau Montelena and enjoy all the accolades that you will receive. Maybe put “Bottle Shock” DVD into play as well.

  4. Happy Birthday, enjoy!

  5. james59 says:

    You KNOW that I will be pulling the cork on something special… and now that I’ve seen your selections, I will narrow my choices a bit. Hmmmm… I’m starting to think maybe I should bring one of my Chateau Montelena reds (I have cab suav & petite sirah), or maybe the spectacular 2010 Jarvis Tempranillo? Or a 2007 & 2009 Artist Series Kenwood Cab? Or would this be more a 2003 Sassicaia type of birthday? Talk about a first world decision I need to make!!

    • joyofwine says:

      I think you’ve made the most mentions in my blog. I seem to bring you up in my writings quite often don’t I? And we’re all happy to help you figure out that first world problem my friend! 😉

    • joyofwine says:

      Would love to try the CM PS. We both have an affinity for that particular grape!

      • james59 says:

        Okay – petite sirah it is. I thought you might take a run at the ’03 Sassi which is in the middle third of it’s drink window. Maybe we could just open both?! I’m quite curious about the ’03, and I have a second bottle to hold on to if it’s still drinking a bit early.

  6. timmilford says:

    Happy birthday!! Looks like you have an excellent selection of wines to celebrate with.

  7. Happy Birthday Joy! You really can’t go wrong with any of those, and I would not be in a hurry to drink any of them. If I had to choose, I would go with the Burgundy. I guess that’s just the way I roll!

  8. Happy Birthday ! I think St Joseph is always a good bet, hope the celebration goes well !

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